Friday, May 15, 2020

Societal Influence and Identity Formation Essay - 1058 Words

From birth and during the whole life every person tries to develop an individual set of values which is common only for this particular person. There are significant number of reasons and things helping to develop the appropriate sense of identity on the part of people. Some of them influence this process positively, and others have the negative impact on identity formation of people in the modern society. A remarkable role in the process of identity formation is attached to the society, such as media, family and peers, the so-called every-day environment of people. But people should understand that the identity formation is within the person and nobody can distract people from this goal. This essay will focus on the relations between†¦show more content†¦The significant number of events is highlighted in the media every day, and this cannot simply have an impact on people’s personal development. Identity formation is not only associated with people’s personal development, but also with personal relations in the modern society where people live and work. This may be relations with peers in the university or college, and then relations with colleagues and so on. Second, another major influence on people during their identity formation is attached to the family. People spend much time living in the family with parents, and these people should interact with their children in order to show the proper path needed for the further living. But not always family plays some positive role in the development of human identity, as there are cases when family does not play the proper role. On the other hand, family environment is very important for people’s development, especially in the early age. People can take family members as an example and this may impact their own personal development. Familial and peer pressure on the individual may result in serious psychological problems in the future, and people should take these impacts seriously in order not to miss something. Parents should help children to develop and get accustomed to the every-day life in the modern society. People’s identity is formed during the whole life, but on different stages. People’s perceptionsShow MoreRelatedProblems And Solutions Of Identity1475 Words   |  6 PagesProblems and Solutions to Identity in Society Identity is determined by how individuals perceive themselves, how society perceives them, and how they view themselves in Society. Indeed, individual identities can be affected by different holds including community and pressure to conform to the various societal institutions such as school or work environments. Additionally, life balances in schools or work as well as propaganda can influence how an individual’s identity can be modeled. 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